Job Assignment In A Different City: Why A Short-Term Apartment Rental Is Ideal


Are you being temporarily relocated to a different city for a job assignment? Rather than living in a hotel, you may want to consider renting an apartment that has a short-term lease so you can feel more at home. In this article, find out what your options will be if you decide to rent an apartment when you get to the city that your job assignment is in. What Makes an Apartment Rental Ideal for a Long Distance Job Assignment?

24 March 2015

4 Travel Tips For Seniors


It can be a lot of fun to travel during your retirement years. You now have the time to see all the places you never had time to before, and can enjoy your time there instead of feeling forced to return for work on Monday. Before you head off on your next adventure, follow these important tips for planning and preparing for your trip. 1. Keep Your Safety and Security in Check

20 March 2015

Holding Your Annual Company Meeting


If it is the time of year to get prepared to host your annual company meeting, and you are in charge of the preparations that need to be done, consider having it held at a local hotel like Clarion Hotel - Seattle International Airport. This will work to your advantage because everything you need to do in a short amount of time can be handled in one location. Here are some ideas you can use to make your annual company meeting one of success without needing to leave the premises of the establishment where it is being held.

19 March 2015